Hi! my name is Federico Rusconi and I´m an Argentinian advertisement student. I love animation, graphic novels and graphic humor. Read my post and maybe you`ll learn some thing about this topics. You can find me on Twitter

Persepolis from Comic to Movie

Hello guys, this time we´ll talk  about “Persepolis“, before being a movie (format that gave it worldwide recognition) this story began as an autobiographical…

Eastern Artists: Inoue Takehiko

Inoue Takehiko is an important mangaka (mangaka is the Japanese word for a comic artist) born in Kyushu in 1967. During his student years he practiced BasketBall. This Sport became the main topic in his work . The main attribute of his drawingis the realism, shown in the human body proportions. He first got noticed with Kaede Purple, a manga centered around Basketball, and it also allowed him to win the Tezuka Show award.