Hi Guys, in this post we are going to see a little bit of animation in music videos. I `ve compiled a list of videos from vidlery.com trying to show different techniques of animation, and after this showcase of videos we are going to learn about the techniques.
Badly Drawn Boy – Year of the Rat

Architecture in Helsinki – Do the Whirlwind

Alice In Chains – I Stay Away

Alan Parson’s Project – Don’t Answer Me

Eatliz – Hey animation music video

Dream Theater – Forsaken

Dark Side of the Moog – The Boxing Lesson

Mylène Farmer – C’est une belle journée

Sledgehammer – Peter Gabriel

Haigou Meiko – Dore Dore no Uta

Good Excuse – John Butler Trio

Howard Jones – You Know I Love You… Don’t You

Radiohead – Paranoid Android

Pearl Jam – Do The Evolution

Linkin Park – Breaking the Habit

Disturbed – Land of Confusion

Animation Techniques
Well, if you’ve made it this far, it’s clear you’ve been captivated by the animation videos above and are eager to delve into the methods behind their creation. Here’s a concise guide to various animation techniques, spotlighting the intricate artistry of 3D product animation like the ones at Nashbox Studios—a medium that not only showcases products but also imbues them with dynamic narratives and captivating visuals, making them truly come alive on screen.
Pixel Art
Pixel art is a form of digital art, created through the use of raster graphics software, where images are edited on the pixel level. Graphics in most old (or relatively limited) computer and video games, graphing calculator games, and many mobile phone games are mostly pixel art. We can see this technique on the Architecture in Helsinki – Do the Whirlwind video.
Stop Motion and Clay Animation
Stop-motion (also known as stop-action or frame-by-frame) is an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own. The object is moved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames is played as a continuous sequence. Clay figures are often used in stop-motion for their ease of repositioning. Stop-motion animation using clay is called clay animation or clay-mation. We can see this technique on the Peter Gabriel – Sledgehammer video.
Pixilation (from pixilated) is a stop motion technique where live actors are used as a frame-by-frame subject in an animated film, by repeatedly posing while one or more frame is taken and changing pose slightly before the next frame or frames. The actor becomes a kind of living stop motion puppet. This technique is often used as a way to blend live actors with animated ones in a film. We can see this technique on the Peter Gabriel – Sledgehammer video.
Rotoscoping is an animation technique in which animators trace over live-action film movement, frame by frame, for use in animated films. Originally, pre-recorded live-action film images were projected onto a frosted glass panel and re-drawn by an animator. This projection equipment is called a rotoscope, although this device has been replaced by computers in recent years. We can see this technique on the Howard Jones – You Know I Love You…Don’t You? video.
Well Guys, hope you had enjoyed watching this collection, I must say I had to left out a lot, I tried to put a variety of musical genres, animation techniques and some videos that are not commonly seen on TV.
Animation Music Videos and Techniques | Concept Dezain…
In this post we are going to see a little bit of animation in music videos. I `ve compiled a list of videos trying to show different techniques of animation, and after this showcase of videos we are going to learn about the techniques….
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This post was mentioned on Twitter by ConceptDezain: New Blog Post: Animation Music Videos and Techniques – http://tinyurl.com/yjttsvu…
Animation Music Videos and Techniques | Concept Dezain…
In this post we are going to see a little bit of animation in music videos. I `ve compiled a list of videos trying to show different techniques of animation, and after this showcase of videos we are going to learn about the techniques….
Amazing collection I just sat here for a good 20 minutes watching some of these. I’m not a big animations fan but I enjoyed your collection.
Franco Averta
Glad you like, There are some very good videos
Oh I love ‘Sledgehammer’ it is one of my all time fave music videos. Have you ever seen the music videos my a band called Gorillaz? They are pretty sweet too! This is a nice collection for me to listen to on a rainy afternoon. Thanks 🙂
Franco Averta
yes!, I´ve seen Gorillaz vidz, I really like them, I didn´t include them here as I wanted to show less known videos.
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CSS Brigit | Animation Music Videos and Techniques
Animation Music Videos and Techniques…
In this post we are going to see a little bit of animation in music videos. I `ve compiled a list of videos trying to show different techniques of animation….
150+ Need to Check Out Fresh Articles for Designers and Developers | tripwire magazine
[…] Animation Music Videos and Techniques […]
Shurandy Thode
Awesome stuff
Excelente recopilación. Y gran cátedra mi hermano. Un saludo desde Perú. José :D.
Nice collection, you miss “Take on Me” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djV11Xbc914) great rotoscoping technique on a video music.
Franco Averta
Yes, I did it on purpose, wanted to show not so famous videos
why not Brothers in arms? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5JkHBC5lDs
Franco Averta
I can see the video from my country, I `ll look for it later and watch it, thanks for share!
Amazing animations i love it thanks for sharing these.